Sunday 25 September 2011

Tips For Long Hair

Long hair has become one of the women who do not get left behind. With long hair a woman will look more elegant and beautiful when seen, and of course also reflect the nature and woman. Because of the many benefits of having long hair, it is not a little woman with an extra trying to get long hair quick owned, either by way of the salon as well as using traditional ways. In this post I'll share a bit about the quick easy way to hair length, which is actually this way can also be applied by men.

Vitamins: Vitamins are needed throughout the body including hair. If the vitamins that you consume less, then by itself, the hair receives nutrition was not enough. If nutrients are less acceptable, then the roots of the hair will become brittle. Volume of thinner hair. This makes it difficult to grow. If necessary, additional multivitamin to supplement your needs. Using a special hair vitamins can also be a good way out.
Check the ends of your hair: Do not forget to check the ends of your hair regularly. Branch and drought at the end of the hair is also one of the causes of difficult long hair. Nothing wrong to cut the ends of your hair regularly throughout the 1-2 cm per month (trimmed). It can also make hair beauty awake.
Overcome dandruff: Dandruff is one of the problems commonly experienced. Dandruff on the scalp will also make the hair brittle and fall out. So if dandruff appears, do not take for granted. Use a special shampoo for it. If the dandruff that appears more severe, it should consult a dermatologist.
Perlancar blood flow in the scalp: A lack of nutrients in the hair could be due to blood flow in the head is not smooth. Treatments such as cream bath (scalp massage) can make blood flow in the head to be smooth. If you did not get to the salon, a time much longer time to wash it. Massage your head from the base of the forehead to ge back. Do not rub too hard.
How to comb: How to comb your hair should also be considered. Comb my hair the wrong way can make the broken and damaged hair. After shampooing, do not comb my hair with a comb brush, because it would make it broken. Choose the fork to comb fingers are rare. Rapihkan back your hair when dry.
Keep it clean: Lazy shampooing your hair will make it difficult term. In the shampoo also contained the necessary nutrients to grow hair. In addition, let the dirt stuck to the scalp will make hair damaged. Minimum Wash every other day, so that moisture is maintained scalp.
Eliminate stress: Stress that you are experiencing also affect the health of hair follicles. Metabolism is messed up because of stress will make the hair health impaired. Nothing wrong moment to relax and unwind. Forget the mind and the burden that you experience. To the salon and doing hair and body treatments can also be a way out to cope with the stress disappear. Hair and body more beautiful, your stress is gone.

Sunday 18 September 2011

How to sharpen your memory

Who would not want their children smarter? Strong memory is needed for us all, especially for those who are in school or college, this is because the lessons that have been diajarka by teachers or lecturers are not in vain and lost not a trace.

Brain Gymnastics
Such brain muscles that need to be trained periodically. ( How, for challenge or tebakkan guess for yourself which can sharpen memory. For example, mention the title of old songs, considering the poem as a child, or call the 10 items in the refrigerator.
Not only fish oil that can sharpen your memory, but also the material is red and purple foods like blueberries, fruit bits, and scallions. Folic acid rich foods like broccoli, bananas, and legumes are also useful to maintain brain health.
White Water
The evidence suggests that whole organ function would work well when it gets adequate water intake. No exception of brain function. Get used to drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
Simply Sleep
Sleep is needed in order to rest and regenerate body cells. Including brain cells. Therefore, try to get up cooperation both physically and mentally in order to create a healthy sleep and quality.
Pressure or stress makes the brain work to weaken and difficulty concentrating. In such conditions, rest sejek while doing relaxing activities like reading books, playing online games ( to restore the brain works.
Brain teasers
Habits do crossword puzzles available in newspapers or play Sudoku on mobile phones to enhance a positive benefit one's memory.
Remember one thing that does not turn up in the head must be annoying. When experienced, do not panic. Settle down for a moment, thinking about lighter things like the type of fruit, types of water sports, or the names of friends. These activities will help a person more quickly given the important things that he had forgotten.
An excursion to the Past
Looking back on the things of the past are not directly train the long-term memory. When returning home, for example, ( try to bring back childhood memories.
Thinking Through Pictures
This method can be practiced when preparing a shopping list. Write down the items to be purchased while imagining yourself walking down the supermarket aisles and find the desired product.
Do physical exercise that stimulates blood circulation improvements such as jogging, and aerobics. Smooth blood circulation will increase the production of oxygen to the brain which is very useful to sharpen thinking skills.

Knowing the causes of gray hair and how to cope

Problems gray hair can indeed affect anyone, ordinary young or old, because it's presence could not be prevented. But with beberapapengetahuan base on the causes growth of gray, we can at least reduce the rise and growth of hair change in our head. One way to prevent and address the incidence of prematurely gray hair is to learn the cause. Often, it is our habit to encourage the emergence of white hair. Various causes of gray hair among others:

Smoking habits
Existing toxins in cigarettes makes the body experience premature aging. therefore graying hair, too. If you do not want to appear prematurely gray hair, stop smoking.
When experiencing stress, impaired metabolism as a whole. The imbalance in the body to create effects that range. Including the onset of gray hair. So as much as possible avoid stress. Calm yourself whenever there is heavy pressure.
Note the pattern of eating
Gray hair can also be caused by damaged tissue proteins in the body due to wrong diet. For that, consider the right nutrients into your body.
Excessive use of chemicals in hair
Not only diet that can damage tissue proteins in the hair. The use of chemicals in hair products such as paints and drugs can also make curly hair damaged tissue. Any gray hairs emerge from it. Therefore, do not overuse these products mengguanakan. If you paint or curling hair, be sure to use special shampoos and moisturizers to keep hair healthy.
If gray hair has already appeared, do not rush to despair. The emergence of gray hair is due to the production of hair pigment called melanocytes has been reduced. For some materials makanna it can make the pigment production increases. So that your gray hairs will be reduced and did not reappear.
These materials contain iron is the most important. Iron is a nutrient that stimulates the production of melanocytes. Do not forget to sellau consume green vegetables and red meat are enough to get the appropriate amount of iron.
Nothing wrong for a complete multivitamin to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body. Multivitamins also will protect the body against disease.
If your diet is correct but still appear gray, maybe vacation solution. Come out of daily routine that makes you stressed. Vacation will make you more relaxed, so that your metabolism back to normal. Gray is gone.
So what can I share, may be useful for visitors of all, thank you

The dangers of smoking

Smoking is now such a necessity for most men in general but does not allow women as well. posed dangers of cigarette smoke itself was very much less danger that inhaled by the smoker is. consequences of smoking include disorders of pregnancy, impotence, miscarriages, fertility and others. in every pack of cigarettes is always written smoking can harm the health of it is very clear to read even a college graduate sd and definitely understand the meaning of the text.
Smoking has become a small object of the most popular. Smoking has become a lifestyle for many men and women, even including children and adolescents. Smoking habit has resulted in many diseases of respiratory disorders to cancer. Although aware of the dangers of smoking, people around the world still continues to tens of billions of cigarettes smoked per day.
The number of smokers in Indonesia was ranked third highest in the world. The number of smokers in developing countries far more than the number of smokers in developed countries. A very alarming figure considering the bad consequences of smoking will be felt in the long run.
A stick of Cigarette IngredientsAny substance contained in a cigarette? Nicotine is the main substances contained in cigarettes. However, more than 700 kinds of chemical additives may be used by tobacco companies to add to the enjoyment of smoking. Some materials are so toxic that even some of the major cigarette manufacturers will usually have a high standard to dispose of toxic materials that are very dangerous. In addition, cigarette smoke contains 4000 chemicals, including arsenic, acetone, butane, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. Cigarette smoke inhaled by smokers and passive smokers will menganduk 43 substances known to cause cancer. That's why for the second-hand smoke can have a negative impact is more terrible if they are inhaled cigarette smoke.
Smoking DangersWhat are the bad consequences of a lifestyle that is harmful to health? What are the diseases caused by smoking? Here are some diseases and the negative impact caused by smoking:

Heart Disease.
Smoking is also one major cause of heart attacks. The death of a smoker from heart disease more than the deaths from lung cancer. Even low-tar cigarettes or low-nicotine cigarettes will not reduce the risk of heart disease. Because some of the cigarettes that use a filter to increase the number of carbon monoxide is inhaled, which makes cigarettes are even worse for heart than cigarettes which do not use filters. Nicotine contained in cigarettes can make your heart beat faster and increases your body's need for oxygen. Cigarette smoke also contains carbon monoxide is poisonous. These toxic substances walked to actually block the flow of blood and oxygen flow to the heart and other vital organs. Nicotine can narrow the blood vessels so more oxygen flow slows again. That's why smokers have an increased risk of heart disease is very high.
Lung Cancer
Cigarette smoke from tobacco contains many cancer causing chemicals. Inhaled smoke contains many chemicals that can damage the lungs. These substances can trigger the occurrence of cancer, especially in the lungs. Lung cancer is the most common cancer caused by smoking. The spread of lung cancer occurs in the body quietly until a higher stage. In many cases, lung cancer kills quickly.
Heavy smokers who have for years will have emphysema. Emphysema is a disease that will gradually make the lungs lose their elasticity. If the lung lose keelastikannya, it will be difficult to remove the air dirty. The signs are already having trouble breathing in the morning and evening. So easily out of breath. Another sign is often experience severe flu, accompanied by a severe cough, and possibly with chronic bronchitis. Cough often times do not stop and become chronic.
Old Faster
The results of a study of smokers showed that smokers face of men and women are more wrinkles than those who do not smoke. Premature aging process has increased in accordance with the habits and the number of cigarettes smoked. The study showed that heavy smokers have wrinkles on the skin is almost five times higher than nonsmokers. Even the premature aging process has already begun for adolescents who smoke such as skin wrinkles, yellow teeth and bad breath.
Body Damage
The negative impact of smoking does not only harm the lungs, heart, and respiratory tract. Smoking habits according to research can damage other body tissues. Dozens of diseases related to tobacco use and even includes pneumonia (pneumonia), gum disease, leukemia, cataracts, kidney cancer, cervical cancer, and pain in the pancreas. The reason for the toxins from cigarette smoke spread everywhere through the bloodstream. Smoking can cause disease in nearly every organ of the body.

BlackBerry Tips In Buying Used

Apparently many are attracted to the BlackBerry used. Because not all used the BlackBerry is bad condition. What is clear, at prices well below new price, the main attraction to have a BlackBerry, though used. BlackBerry smartphones that have an identity, but also the PIN IMEI. PIN was good to communicate, such as BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) and the PIN message. It is worth noting, since many are selling the BlackBerry marks, but it is unclear origins.
To note, if the BlackBerry is using cloning PIN, or PIN is not innate native of RIM. The disadvantage, cloning could lead to the BlackBerry PIN is suspended by RIM, so can not be activated for his service BIS.
This is the way to find out the BlackBerry is not problematic:

Look, whether the BlackBerry that has identity IMEI and PIN are printed in boxes similar to those in the place of installing the battery and also in status, when the BlackBerry is switched on. So try to buy secondhand BlackBerry complete with all the accessories.
Consider also whether the BlackBerry is not never fell. This can be seen from the physical, whether there is exacting, abrasions, dents, and so on.
Is the BlackBerry was once doused with water? It can be seen in the water indicator stickers, which are usually located on the side in place of the battery. If white is not exposed to water. If red, positively never been exposed to water. But this is not a guarantee. It may be that it has been replaced housingnya, so it does not seem ever to get wet.
Check by using a GSM card with Active BIS conditions. Here will be seen whether or not suspend your BlackBerry. When connected to "GPRS" then it should be safe from suspend your BlackBerry. But if the "gprs", then it is questionable whether this suspension or not. Make sure that when testing the network is under normal conditions.
Make sure it's not a BlackBerry BlackBerry former colongan of results. Because if the former colongan, feared going in bomb PIN messages from friends who stolen the previous owner. The purpose of the bomb is the sending PIN PIN message repeated thousands of times, so make your BlackBerry becomes heavy. And it was filled with the message that the BlackBerry is colongan.
Slightly above the guidelines could hopefully be a reference used a BlackBerry before buying. Although not guarantee 100% accurate, but if it wanted to buy a BlackBerry former, try the BlackBerry is obvious the previous owner. Invite your friends to know about the BlackBerry. Because nowadays many are taking the opportunity to commit fraud in selling the BlackBerry former

Characteristics of a fake anti-virus

Next time you're using a computer or browsing and then suddenly a pop-up stating that your computer has been infected with a virus and you are prompted to download certain software, not to be fooled. It could be a fake antivirus.

Usually provoked using fake antivirus trojan, trojan somehow attached to the e-mail attachments, pop up ads, or through certain websites, such as pornographic websites or websites that contain crack. Trojan-Trojan then creates the conditions in which he will create false positives so you think your computer is infected with the virus, although perhaps in reality there is no virus that is infecting.

The following are common symptoms that appear when the computer is being attacked by fake antivirus.

     Usually displays a fake antivirus warning window more often or more than the original virus.
     Pop-up window of fake antivirus will often appear even though you will not be is online. it usually pressing you to immediately buy the fake anti-virus.
     If already infected, your computer's performance will decrease drastically. besides, it would appear the new icons, new wallpaper, or page your browser will be redirected to a particular website.
     More and more applications that can not be accessed.
     although it has been doing the uninstall process, the antivirus will still continue to come back after the restart.
     Turning off the Windows updates or antivirus updates the original.
     You can not visit the homepage of the antivirus vendors'.

Saturday 17 September 2011

Tips to relieve stress

  Everyone will have problems in their own lives, without any problems then it's not the name of his life, but of every problem there is a way out of it.
Sometimes there is a very disturbing problem that the center of the brain as a thinking human mind, in this problem is because people can not be separated from STRESS.
Here I'll share a few tips to relieve stress, there are some simple tips in between them:

1.  If the stress experienced in the field of work, then try was for a short break.
2. Give it a little time to be together with people we love, no one was holding a small event, such as grilled chicken, eat together and the other as his.
3. Let is soak in warm water while listening to music
4. Expand eat vegetables, drink milk, and sports.
5. Close themselves with a religion (beliefs follow each)

Wel, good luck with small tips above may help, and always live life with a smile